BREAKING: California Pro-Choice Abortion Provider, Dr. Forrest Smith, Opposes Proposition 1 “Monstrosity” for “Killing Viable, Healthy Babies” In New Ad


Pro-Choice Dr. Forrest O. Smith, OB/GYN and Abortion Provider for 53 Years, Opposes Proposition 1 For Legalizing Abortions of Viable, Healthy Babies Up To Birth in New Ad

Contact: David Daleiden,, 949.734.0859

IRVINE, Nov. 1—Dr. Forrest O. Smith, a pro-choice OB/GYN and the longest-continuously practicing abortion provider in America, urges Californians to vote No on Proposition 1 in a new ad series by The Center for Medical Progress. Proposition 1 will overrule existing California abortion laws to expand late-term abortions on healthy, viable babies through a full 9 months of pregnancy.

In the full version of the advertisement, pro-choice Dr. Smith explains that existing California law alreadyguarantees the right to abortion but only to the age of fetal viability, which means the age at which the baby can live outside of the mother’s body.” Dr. Smith urges Californians to vote No on Proposition 1 because, “Proposition 1 is really just the same 2003 law, but with the fetal viability clause eliminated. If Proposition 1 is put in our state constitution, abortion doctors will have a right to legally kill viable and healthy babies up to the moment of birth.

The existing California Reproductive Privacy Act of 2003 limits abortion to “before the viability of the fetus.” The text of Proposition 1, however, embeds a “fundamental right to choose to have an abortion” without any limits or qualifications about viability of the fetus.

No matter how you feel about abortion, whether you are a pro-lifer or a pro-choicer, what Proposition 1 will do is legalize the killing of viable, healthy babies, and that is the moral monstrosity that we cannot allow into our state constitution. Please join me in voting No on Proposition 1 on November 8th,” Dr. Smith concludes.

Dr. Smith began providing abortions during his residency at Duke University in 1970, and has been in abortion practice continuously since then, providing OB/GYN and abortion care in California for the past several decades. Dr. Smith has also served as a medical expert for CMP, providing testimony in lawsuits by Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation.

Proposition 1’s taxpayer-funded expansion of late-term abortion on healthy, viable infants, through a full nine months of pregnancy, is so extreme that even committed California abortion providers are coming out against it,” notes David Daleiden, founder and president of The Center for Medical Progress. “Through strategic digital media placements, we hope to reach up to 1 million Californians by election day with the message that Proposition 1 goes too far.

CMP is also running ads with its undercover reporting on the illegal sale of fetal body parts in California, urging Californians to vote No on Proposition 1’s extreme taxpayer-funded expansion of late-term abortion.


Watch the advertisements here:

Dr. Smith full ad:

Dr. Smith short ad:

CMP short ad:

Learn more about CMP here:

CMP Statement on Ninth Circuit Ruling

A Ninth Circuit panel decided with this ruling today that protecting Planned Parenthood’s barbaric practices of partial-birth abortion and trafficking of aborted fetuses for government-sponsored experiments is more important than protecting the First Amendment rights of journalists and of the public. In order to do this, the panel had to contradict its own precedents about undercover reporting on any other topic, disregard other Circuits’ en banc findings of wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood, and bless the increasing weaponization of the justice system against pro-life speech. The tide of history is turning against the panel’s obsolete pro-abortion exceptionalism, and we will appeal until the constitutional rights of reporters and the public prevail.

BREAKING: New Footage Shows Organ Harvesting Company Working at Planned Parenthood in Pittsburgh


The University of Pittsburgh and Planned Parenthood Both Denied Under Oath Fetus Harvesting At Clinic

Contact: David Daleiden,, 949.734.0859

PITTSBURGH, Oct. 10—New photographs and video recorded by pro-life advocates with 40 Days for Life in Pittsburgh, PA document a University of Pittsburgh-linked organ harvesting and tissue procurement company, the Center for Organ Recovery and Education (CORE), working at Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania’s abortion clinic in the city.

The footage shows a vehicle displaying the CORE logo parked in the driveway of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, next to the clinic’s “bubble zone” entrance markings on the sidewalk, and a man wearing an identification badge lanyard carrying what appear to be specimen bags from the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic and storing them in a cooler inside the CORE vehicle.

CORE is based in Pittsburgh and supplies organs and tissues for research in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh’s Health Sciences Tissue Bank, which is a long-established distributor of human fetal organs and tissues from elective abortions for government-sponsored experimentation. Yet in sworn testimony before a Pennsylvania House of Representatives hearing in 2021, the University of Pittsburgh insisted it “does not obtain fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood”.

“The University of Pittsburgh swore under oath that it did not harvest fetal organs from Planned Parenthood—so what is the University’s organ harvesting company doing parked at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic with coolers?” asks David Daleiden, founder and president of The Center for Medical Progress. “The lies from Pitt and Planned Parenthood must stop now and elected officials in Pennsylvania must demand the truth.”

Previously, CMP questioned Pitt’s denials because Planned Parenthood abortion providers operate the University’s abortion program, Planned Parenthood is a satellite clinical location of the University, and Planned Parenthood’s medical director is Vice Chair of the Pitt Institutional Review Board (IRB) overseeing all fetal experimentation at Pitt.

CMP is the investigative journalism organization responsible for the 2015 series of undercover video reports exposing Planned Parenthood leadership’s participation in the trafficking of aborted fetuses and has covered fetal experimentation at the University of Pittsburgh and Planned Parenthood over the past few years. The photos and video of CORE at Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania were provided by local advocate Katie O’Brien with 40 Days for Life Pittsburgh and Sidewalk Advocates for Life of Pittsburgh.


See the photographs below and watch the new footage here:

Watch CMP’s reporting on fetal experimentation at Pitt and Planned Parenthood here:

Learn more about CMP here:

MEDIA ADVISORY: New Court Filing to Dismiss Discriminatory Video Recording Charges Against CMP Founder David Daleiden

“Just as discrimination on the basis of religion or race is forbidden by the Constitution, so is discrimination on the basis of the exercise of protected First Amendment activities.”
—(Murgia v. Municipal Court (1975) 15 Cal.3d 286, 303)

On July 27, attorneys for CMP founder and project lead David Daleiden filed a motion to dismiss, as an unconstitutional discriminatory prosecution under the California Supreme Court’s Murgia vs. Municipal Court case, the unprecedented felony criminal charges brought by Kamala Harris against Daleiden under the California video recording law. The motion presents new evidence these unprecedented charges were brought solely to chill Daleiden’s exercise of First Amendment rights on behalf of the private interests of Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation, in violation of the California Supreme Court’s People v. Eubanks case.

Read the court filings here:

Motion to Dismiss
Application to Exceed Pages

The Center for Medical Progress will continue to fight for the First Amendment rights of all Americans to report, speak, and publish critical messages against the harvesting and trafficking of aborted fetuses for experimentation.


CMP Statement on the Supreme Court’s Overturn of Roe v. Wade

Founder and President of The Center for Medical Progress, David Daleiden, released this statement today about the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson overruling the faulty 1900s-era Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey abortion decisions:

CMP’s undercover videos exposing the barbaric sale of aborted fetuses and their body parts at Planned Parenthood demonstrated the dehumanizing cruelty of industrial-scale abortion to the whole country. Now, the national tragedy of industrial-scale, state-sponsored violation of the human right to life of infants in the womb is ending because the need for common sense limits on abortion forced the Supreme Court to look at the equal human dignity of our brothers and sisters before birth. A new bigger, better, brighter chapter begins today as the responsibility to empower women and protect infant lives returns to the people. Together, we will make our communities safe for the two lives, mama and infant, who need help in every unplanned or challenging pregnancy, and we celebrate the dawning era where there is no longer a price tag put on human life.

—David Daleiden, Founder and President, The Center for Medical Progress


Watch the undercover videos and learn more about CMP’s investigative reporting here:

David Daleiden is available for further comment or interview at

Statement on Five Aborted Infants Discovered in Washington, D.C.

The bodies of the five late-term aborted infants recovered from Dr. Cesare Santangelo’s Washington Surgi-Center in Washington, D.C.—Christopher X, Harriet, Holly, Ángel, and Phoenix—are prima facie physical evidence that these babies died the victims of criminal partial-birth abortions and infanticide. There is no evidence these infants were aborted legally. Instead, the available evidence indicates they were delivered alive and killed in the rush to supply them to a medical waste energy plant to burn for electricity. We demand an independent autopsy to confirm the cause of death of these infants, and we call on public authorities to hold criminal providers who commit partial-birth abortions accountable under the law.

#JusticeForTheFive #DCPDAutopsyNOW

Attributable to investigative reporter David Daleiden, founder and president of The Center for Medical Progress

NEW VIDEO: The Supreme Court Must Uphold State Abortion Limits

MEDIA ADVISORY: New Video From The Center for Medical Progress Explains Why Supreme Court Must Uphold State Abortion Limits

Contact: David Daleiden,, 949.734.0859

This week, The Center for Medical Progress released a new video about the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson case on Mississippi’s 15-week abortion limit, explaining why the Court must uphold state abortion limits. The video is based on the amicus curiae brief that CMP and its founder David Daleiden wrote and filed in the case, and highlights the disturbing facts from CMP’s undercover videos and investigative reporting on the trafficking of aborted infants, to argue:

“CMP’s undercover videos make this case simple—if a baby is old enough to be trafficked for body parts, he or she should be old enough to be protected from abortion by a state law.”

The new video also examines the tragic and lethal consequences that unlimited, legalized abortion has brought to American communities, such as the demand for late-term fetal organs, racist quotas for harvesting aborted fetuses for experiments, and the enabling of infanticide by pro-abortion government policies as in the Kermit Gosnell case.

CMP’s founder and president David Daleiden notes, “Top abortion industry leaders caught on undercover video admit in their own words that the 15-week babies in the womb whose human vulnerability is now before the Supreme Court are the most at risk for organ trafficking for experiments. There is only one answer the Supreme Court can give in the Dobbs case, which is to recognize the obvious, overriding constitutional interests the people of this country have in protecting infants in the womb from lethal abortion. The discriminatory, unequal, and violent treatment the Court once authorized toward so-called ‘pre-viability’ human infants has led to tragic and lethal consequences for our communities, and it is totally inconsistent with who we are supposed to be as a country. Now at last is the time for a new and more humane way forward.”


Watch the video here:

To learn more about CMP, visit:

CMP Statement on End of Abortion in Texas

Founder and President of The Center for Medical Progress, David Daleiden, released this statement today about the U.S. Supreme Court permitting Texas’ law prohibiting abortions after the baby’s heartbeat can be detected to be enforced:

As the Supreme Court allows Texas’ new fetal heartbeat law to take effect, the tragedy of industrial-scale, state-sponsored violation of the human right to life of infants in the womb is finally ending in the same State where it started nearly 50 years ago. Restraining Planned Parenthood and their industry partners from abortions when the baby’s heart is beating is our common sense moral imperative, and it matters for every single one of us because we were all once tiny infants in the womb known only by our heartbeats. Unaccountable abortion practice in Texas led to the terrible human atrocities of abortion quotas, partial-birth abortions, and selling baby body parts, exposed by The Center for Medical Progress’ undercover reporting. Now at last is the time for a new and more humane way forward, where the progress of our communities is not purchased with the blood of our children.

—David Daleiden, founder and president, The Center for Medical Progress

BREAKING: University of Pittsburgh ADMITS Hearts Beating While Harvesting Aborted Infants’ Kidneys


In a statement to news media today, the University of Pittsburgh admitted that “ischemia time” in its NIH grant application for the GUDMAP aborted fetal kidney harvesting program “refers to the time after the tissue collection procedure”. From this afternoon’s Fox News article, “Millions in federal money flowed to fetal tissue bank that collected fetal ‘heart, gonads, legs, brain’: report”:

Ischemia time, he said “refers to the time after the tissue collection procedure”

Ischemia starts when the organ (the kidneys primarily in Pitt’s GUDMAP project) is cut off from blood circulation. The NIH defines ischemia as “lack of blood supply to a part of the body.” The University states the fetal organs do not undergo ischemia—lose their blood supply—until “after the tissue collection procedure”. This means the organs are still receiving blood supply from the fetal heartbeat during the “tissue collection”.

David Daleiden, founder and president of The Center for Medical Progress, notes: “Pitt is now admitting to news media that the aborted babies are still alive at the time their kidneys are cut out for NIH grant money. Pitt’s grant application for GUDMAP advertised this to the federal government and that labor induction abortions, where the baby is pushed out of the mother whole, would be ‘used to obtain the tissue.’ The plain meaning of the GUDMAP grant application, and the University of Pittsburgh’s statement today explaining it, is that Pitt and the Planned Parenthood abortion providers responsible for its ‘research’ abortions are allowing babies, some of the age of viability, to be delivered alive, and then killing them by cutting their kidneys out.”

Daleiden continues: “If Bill Barr knew about this as Attorney General and did nothing, he should be impeached and hauled before Congress to explain himself. Merrick Garland even promised the Senate Judiciary Committee he would make decisions about fetal trafficking prosecutions based on the facts and the law. The fact pattern here in Pittsburgh and elsewhere demands that this Kermit Gosnell-like activity be brought to justice under the law. Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose NIAID office funds nearly 60% of NIH-sponsored fetal experimentation, was recently grilled by Senator Rand Paul about unethical government-sponsored gain-of-function experiments. The Senate Judiciary Committee should call Barr, Garland, FBI Director Wray, NIH Director Collins, Fauci, and representatives of Pitt and Planned Parenthood to face the same imperative scrutiny for the enabling of partial-birth abortions and infanticide in the government-sponsored human trafficking of aborted infants.”


Aborted Infants’ Continued Blood Flow Advertised in Racist University of Pittsburgh Grant Application to NIH


Newly-Released Public FOIA Records Obtained by The Center for Medical Progress Indicate Organ Harvesting from Aborted Infants Delivered Alive, Targeted by Race

Contact: David Daleiden,, 949.734.0859

PITTSBURGH, Aug. 3—Judicial Watch and The Center for Medical Progress announced today that they have received disturbing public records from the NIH about government-sponsored fetal experimentation at the University of Pittsburgh, which describe “minimiz[ing]” the “warm ischemic time,” or time without blood flow, of aborted fetal organs and targeting pregnant women and fetuses based on race.

David Daleiden, founder and president of The Center for Medical Progress, states, “The NIH grant application for just one of Pitt’s numerous experiments with aborted infants reads like an episode of American Horror Story. Infants in the womb, some old enough to be viable, are being aborted alive and killed for organ harvesting, in order to bring in millions of dollars in taxpayer funding for Pitt and the Planned Parenthood abortion business it supports. People are outraged by such disregard for the lives of the vulnerable. Law enforcement and public officials should act immediately to bring the next Kermit Gosnell to justice under the law.”

The records were produced by NIH in response to a FOIA request submitted by CMP over a year ago and a federal lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch on behalf of CMP after NIH’s inexplicable delays. The documents include the University of Pittsburgh’s original NIH grant application in 2015 to be the fetal tissue distribution hub for the GenitoUrinary Developmental Molecular Anatomy Project, or GUDMAP, program.

In the $3 million grant application, Pitt proposes that its existing fetal tissue collections “can be significantly ramped up” (pg. 7 of grant application) to supply GUDMAP program researchers across the country with aborted fetal kidneys, bladders, and other organs and body parts from healthy fetuses aborted up to 6 months old.

Pitt advertises several points to NIH for why Pitt will be the best location for a “distribution hub” for supplying large numbers of aborted fetal body parts to NIH researchers, focusing on Pitt’s “over 18 years of experience” collecting body parts from aborted babies. Chillingly, Pitt announces under point number 5, “Ischemia time is minimized”: “We record the warm ischemic time on our samples and take steps to keep it at a minimum to ensure the highest quality biological specimens. We get feedback from our users and utilize this feedback to tailor our collection processes on a case-by-case basis to maximize the needs of investigators.” (pg. 62). Later in the application, Pitt describes “labor induction” as a “procedure that will be used to obtain the tissue” (pg. 73).

According to the NIH, warm ischemia time is “the time a tissue, organ, or body part remains at body temperature after its blood supply has been reduced or cut off but before it is cooled or reconnected to a blood supply.” If the fetus’ heartbeat and blood circulation continue in a labor induction abortion for harvesting organs, it means the fetus is being delivered while still alive and the cause of death is the removal of the organs.

Furthermore, Pitt also states in the application that its GUDMAP fetal harvesting program will feature “Inclusion (or exclusion) of individuals on the basis of sex/gender, race, and ethnicity” and sets quotas of 50% white patients and aborted fetuses, and 50% minority patients and fetuses, with a full 25% of the fetuses harvested to come from Black women (pgs. 74-76). Allegheny County, the major metropolitan area from which Pitt-based abortion practices draw patients, is 80% white and only 13% Black.

CMP and Daleiden cited this part of the GUDMAP NIH application in their amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court in the Dobbs v. Jackson 15-week abortion limit case.

CMP is responsible for the 2015 undercover video series that exposed top-level Planned Parenthood leadership resorting to partial-birth abortions to sell fetal body parts, resulting in the closure of three Planned Parenthood-partnered biotech companies and the termination of Planned Parenthood from multiple State funding programs. Earlier this year, CMP released a video documenting the disturbing government-sponsored fetal trafficking and experimentation at the University of Pittsburgh and Planned Parenthood’s integral role in Pitt’s programs.


The press release from Judicial Watch is available here:

Learn more about CMP’s work here: