MEDIA ADVISORY: David Daleiden and The Center for Medical Progress File Amicus Curiae Brief in Supreme Court Abortion Limit Case

On Wednesday, The Center for Medical Progress and its founder David Daleiden filed an amicus curiae brief with the United States Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson (No. 19-1392), the case on Mississippi’s 15-week abortion limit. To view the brief, click here.

At the center of uncovering and reporting on the sale and trafficking of aborted fetal body parts in America, The Center for Medical Progress and David Daleiden are in a unique position to inform the Court of the facts on the ground about late term abortions and fetal organ harvesting, laying out a concise argument to uphold Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act of 2018 and protect “pre-viability” infants under the law.  The Center and Daleiden conclude the following:

If a four-month old child vulnerable to abortion is old enough to be sold for organ harvesting experiments, he or she is old enough to be protected from elective abortion. This Court must uphold Mississippi’s law. (page 22)

Other quotes from the brief include:

Ironically, it is precisely from this point when the fetus becomes most recognizably a fellow human being, that the fetuses vulnerable to abortion become most useful as an experimental biologic “resource.” Even though four-month-old infants in the womb move, kick, suck their thumbs, hiccup, and demonstrate a readily discernible heartbeat and brainwaves, and even though the Constitution guarantees that “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude” shall exist in America nor that any person be deprived of life without due process of law, U.S. Const., amends. XIII § 1, XIV § 1, these same children can be routinely killed through live dismemberment abortions or trafficked and sold for experimental use. (page 3)

Due to this Court’s antiquated, 1900s-era abortion precedents, absent laws like Mississippi’s, unborn-victims-of-violence laws do not protect the very same unborn victims from the violence of predatory businesses that operate with the explicit purposes of killing them by abortion and selling them for experimentation. (page 4)

If a human infant in utero is old enough to be trafficked for his or her organs, he or she should be old enough to be protected by the State from elective abortion. (page 7)

The “pre-viability” infants Mississippi seeks to protect with the Gestational Age Act are the same group most vulnerable for organ trafficking and experimentation. (page 9)

It is impossible to look at the stacks and stacks of invoices for the body parts of premature or “pre-viable” infants that have been published through public records requests and not plainly recognize that in the trafficking of aborted fetuses for experimentation, human beings are being bought and sold for their usefulness to someone else’s labor. Few State interests could be more compelling than that of stamping out such vestigial barbarism completely. (pages 11-12)

To schedule an interview with David Daleiden, email or call 949.734.0859.
